Helen is a Bowen Technique Therapist
in Edinburgh city centre

Helen has a clinic based from her home in Edinburgh New Town in Canonmills
Appointments are available on request Monday to Friday
Please contact her directly by e mail for more information or call her on 07800 609926

here to request an appointment.


Bowen Technique Therapy

Bowen is a therapy in which the practitioner uses thumbs and forefingers on precise points on the body (points closely linked to Chinese medicine points, Reflexology meridian lines and Acupuncture points) to make rolling type moves which gently stimulate the connective tissue, which in turn affects the muscles, soft tissue and energy (chi) within the body. These moves prompt the body to make the adjustments which help to re-balance, relieve tension and reduce pain. The treatment affects the body in ways which promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy levels. The experience of the treatment is gentle, subtle and deeply relaxing and it is these features which make Bowen Therapy so unique. It is generally regarded as safe for people of all ages.

Consultation and Treatment

Bowen Therapy will usually take between 45 minutes to an hour (presently the consultation time is being done prior to treatment over the telephone as required by Covid 19 Government guidelines) and most of the work can be performed through light clothing. During the treatment there are periods where the client is left resting to allow the body to absorb the gentle moves that have been performed, giving the body time to make the subtle and fine adjustments which help to re-balance, relieve tension and reduce pain. Bowen Therapy encourages the body to realign itself and sets up the body’s innate ability to self heal (similar to a cut or graze that you notice over a period of days that will heal). Two or three treatments, at weekly intervals, are often sufficient to achieve lasting relief from even long standing conditions, although further treatments may sometimes be required. Also some clients will often come for a regular ‘MOT’ and others for deep relaxation of the nervous system (this was how I was introduced to Bowen and felt the benefits for myself!).


Theoretically, there are no contraindications and the very young to elderly can be treated with no adverse effects. As with all complementary therapies there can often be a period of adjustment for 48 hours when changes occur. Bowen has been used to very beneficial effect with a wide variety of conditions world-wide for decades. It is advisable to inform your GP or consultant if you are receiving any orthodox treatment alongside Bowen Therapy.

Problems it can help with

stress and anxiety - nervous system balance

back and neck pain

sports injuries

tennis elbow

heel and foot pain

knee problems

repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

hayfever and asthma

frozen shoulder

PMS & menopausal symptoms

In addition, the following conditions have also responded well to Bowen ..

chronic fatigue

kidney problems

high blood pressure



lymphatic drainage
